Moments of joy and calm in the flower field

I pop in on my plants as often as I can

Some of those days my tiny humans tag along and pick the flowers and dream a little with me. They each have favourite tasks that they like to do on the farm. Jack loves to add mulch, play in the dirt and make a fine mess. Abby loves to pick the flowers, decide which ones are the most beautiful and help me make the prettiest of bouquets. Olivier on the other hand whats to be the big helper and pushes the wheelbarrow full of dirt around and brings things to the compost pie. They all contribute in their own little way and it helps them build a strong work ethic while embracing the joys that nature can bring us.

Abby is smelling the wonderful scent of peonies from the garden. Fushia, pinks and purples cover the kitchen table. This year we are planting 40 peony roots, and will probably increase by that much every year to make a new peony field on the farm.

Jack on the other hand keeps picking brightly colour Zinnia’s to give to the people in his life. Beautiful flowers for beautiful people is what he keeps saying to me.

It’s not lost on me when we slow down and take a moment to just sit in the beauty that is around us as much peace as it can give. There have been studies that say just 20 minutes outside in places like gardens, hiking or taking a walk can do wonders for our mental health. I’m a true believer in what nature can do for the mind the soul and honestly the spirit.

I’ll take as much time doing that as I can, for as long as I can as I navigate being a flower farmer with disabilities. Because the way it restores me, connects me to nature and my kiddos is the most beautiful thing. The smiles and sweet expressions on these tiny babies stay with me more than the beauty of any flower.

I encourage you to take a few moments out of your day, even if it is simply to stand on your deck, sip a glass of water and breathe in the fresh air. As someone who’s worked from home for 6 years now, that space and disconnect from our computers, phones and other technologies to sit with where we are can do a lot for our mental health.


The First Flowers of the Season


Seed starting at the farm is an over the top affair