Fresh flowers harvested from the field at sunrise

A little bit of morning respite

I love to harvest flowers first thing in the morning as the sun is rising over the hills and the air is quiet and calm. Typically at this time of day my tiny humans are still fast asleep and I can slip out before breakfast. As things get busier on the farm, I start to miss the sunrise as I don’t arrive at the fields until after the school bus drop-off.

It’s the best time to harvest the flowers. If I cannot do early morning I won’t harvest until the evening. Cutting them in the middle of the day often leads to shock and significant wilting. It also affects their vase life. So instead, I take my time, stroll through the fields and hand-pick only the best flowers to go into my buckets to deliver to customers. In 2024 we are planting 30% more flowers and 3 times as many Dahlias. So get ready for the Dahlia storm.


The First Flowers of the Season